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What is that you spend your time doing?
Good question! I have a lot of transformative energy that compels me to do and change things all the time. I am very interested in the force and layers behind everything: emotionally, psychologically, energetically. Often, I want to balance it out, change it, make it better! And sometimes I am just an observer. I do that a lot - Observe! I can remember from when I was a young kid through adolescence and later in all the growing up, I was constantly questioning everything - and it drove me nuts. I think was around 10 years old, when I asked my father, 'how the universe can be so infinite!?!" Can you imagine? I had (and still have!), these mega fucking antennas - back then I could hardly digest all the information pouring into my system. Meanwhile, with tough lessons (training) I've learned how to channel this tendency, this energy that compels me in better ways. Use, file and articulate the information, and fine tune those antennas. I have learned it requires and demands time to comprehend, to process, and to perceive - try to understand, to find the balance through creating and transforming things, within my personal and my professional life. |
Do you feel as though you have tapped into a purpose, a passion, a vocation?
Well… for me, these are each slighty different concepts for me. I will start with the passion. I am an art dealer and I love the arts. I feel very grateful and privileged to work and earn an income involved in something I truly love. It took some time and detours, but here I am. Regarding purpose and vocation, over and about the past 12 years, I had begun seeing another development within myself, apart from the arts. Slowly but surely, it is revealing something to do with integrating transformative energy - the ability to see and feel in a multidimensional sense - an urge to balance things out. I am still processing this detailed information, tuning my antennas, but in the near future, I want to help humans develop a more holistic understanding of the situation in which we live, the situation we are in, and themselves. At times my own perspective has been that most people are disconnected from each other, themselves, nature, not understanding the network and its laws. For a moment they even appeared to me like zombies - It was kind of a shock to me, a painful awakening. Maybe through letting go of my own ego, who knows, why suddenly, I could see it all so clearly. And, this awakening, these realizations, took me some time to articulate what I was experiencing, I had to emotionally stabilize because at first, it was quite horrifying to perceive humans in such a disconnected, out of touch, sort of condition. I realized that massive problems and so much pain is generated because of 'false' perceptions, and that's why I am compelled to create impulses that nurture a more holistic perception. I think this planet can be much more fun than it is at the moment! |
![]() On Kawara, OCT. 23, 1989 "Monday", 1989 |
How would you describe your work as an Artist rep, dealer, cultivator, and curator? what is the experience or the process that brought you into this field of work, and what I imagine to be creatively intimate relations?
My work suits my nature very well. Art connects you to the past, the present, the future, interesting people, yourself, etc - a sort of multidimensional reflector - a type of reflecting which comes very natural to me. Another aspect about my job is having the oppportunity to meet so many interesting people, people who are different, think different, push boundaries, are inspirations - and are beyond the mainstream. My job demands a lot of attention, sensitivity, and empathy on a daily basis, which enjoy. I really like the very personal level I am able to work either with clients or the artists, and sometimes becoming friends too, which is great! One of these occassions took place when a collector I consult came into the gallery with his wife to discuss the work of two artists we represent. While we were talking, I mentioned the current show I am working on 'My Favorite Animal is Steak' involving several artists, including Japanese conceptual artist Kawara - who in his life time painted the actual date on small canvases every single day. |
The collector told me they have a Kawara piece, a date painting so to speak, hanging prominently in their house making it so they have to walk by it everyday. He told me, 'It helps us remember that every day is also a work of art'. This is what i love about my job, for those moments I collect - those moments that nurture me, my soul, my spirit. I'm not afraid of being intimate and close to people rather I feel even more alive.
How would you describe the qualities you aim to express in your current projects and work(s)?
How do you understand the role of art in our contemporary circumstances? Well, there is a huge buzz about all the money floating around and being exchanged in the art market over the past decade or so. A certain part of me is fascinated, but the reality is I couldn't care less. The bluechip part of the market is all about the money and not truly about the arts. I am more into substantial artists, passionate collectors, dealers and scientists, rather than strategic fame and money-making drive and hype. The market economics and the mechanisms employed are interesting and relevant in my work, yet just a hot game to play - I'm not a broker for such investments. Having said that, we all know the higher is the demand for an artist's work, indeed higher is the price. In this way, it's a natural and organic process, which is fine - but my perspective is that art shouldn't get stimulated this way - that is by artifical marketing impulses. As for the role of artists and art in our contemporary world, I truly believe art is critical to us as individual beings, as a collective, and as a society. My objective is to search for, highlight and propel such aspects of artists. All highly advanced civilizations recognized the arts as a fundamental and substantial part of their lives and within their societies. I believe art influences wiser decisions, more organic decisions, more humane decisions, spiritual evolvement, prosperity, and more ethical living - loaning balance. I often wonder, if the increased attention, this art market boom, is also a symptom of a greater question of identity, perhaps an effect or an issue of a globalizing world, the decay of systems, the breakdown of authority? I really don't know. I would like to believe that art is helping us to find answers for defining a truer identity. To understand where we are coming from and who we really are - to encourage and inspire a holistic vision for the future. |
In terms of your projects and process, what is it that you are most excited about at the moment?
I am super excited about an exhibition I am curating 'My Favorite Animal is Steak!' which touches on the increasingly fragmented world we live in, a sort of process of selective perception and evidence of transformative processes (maybe in the context of evolution?). Fucking love it! Due to limited time, as the humble curator, developing this exhibition has taken forever. My hopes are that this exhibition will stir up some spirits and wake up some snoozers. I am almost there - at that point where I can pull all the strings together and make it happen.
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Two main figures in the 'My Favorite Animal is Steak!' exhibition will be artists Björn Braun and Daniel Gustav Cramer (see above photos), both german dudes. Björn's work is mainly about nature, civilization and transformation. For example, his sculpture of two bird eggs, placed in an egg carton. You might think, what the hell is this? What Björn actually did was take a nest of the eggs, transformed it's material, making egg carton out of it. Whereas in his collage work, he displays a found image of a large residential building with trees next to it, he ripped out the area of the two trees, cut it into strips and glued a little cabin together out of those paper strips. Transformation! I first encountered the work of Daniel Gustav Cramer at The Artissima Art Fair in Italy where he was presenting a solo exhibition, including pieces from part of a series called 'Tales'. His worked appeared to me both irritating and intruiging, a lot of photographs didnt seem to have any relation to the other. For instance, there was a wall calendar with only the months and some metal rods leaning against the wall, I didn't get it. However, what I have come to realize is that Gustav Cramer's pieces are documentations of energy in time and space. My most favorite piece from his collection are two photographs which hang side-by-side. These two photographs show an image of a man rowing a boat emphasizing one stroke of the rower's oar. The two photos showcase exactly the same stroke. Yet they do have one fundamental difference that makes them each distinct - in one photo, the rower moves from the shaded side of the lake, and in the other photo, he has moved to the side with the light, through his own energy. ![]() "The Infinite Library" ongoing project from Daniel Gustav Carmer in collaboration with Haris Epaminonda Daniel Gustav Cramer's work is all about time, how we are perceiving the world, our attempts to archive and understand it, putting things in a relationships, finding geometric patterns to it. He expresses this through a collaborative work created with his wife called 'The Infinite Library', a collection of roughly 64 books. For this body of work, pages were taken from randomly found books and mixed together with the pages from several different books, mixing the content as a way of putting them in dialogue with each other, and then binded them into a new book, establishing new relationships - and yet basically making books out of books. During my last studio visit, Gustav Cramer showed me a polaroid he shot in Japan of a monkey and a deer staring at each other on the road in the middle of the forest - I adore it! I feel very close to both Björn Braun and Daniel Gustav Cramer. For me, they articulate something as artists which I relate to a lot. There are many other artists I am really excited to work with on this upcoming exhibition, in these ways, this will be an exhibition presenting the works of some homies, so to speak. I would love to present this exhibition to the Museum for Natural History here in Berlin - it would be awesome and a dream come true. Are there projects you are motivating and mobilizing alongside your current position and consultant work, such as Untitled Projects Berlin?
Another project I am excited about is a magazine we are making called 'Public Transport Issues', we see it as an affectionate portait of how humans are sharing the |
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What is the role of community in propelling your work forward, ahead, and into the world, the role of technology, of exchange, of passion? Ultimately the role of being a social being?
Because I believe that the future can only be created and problems only solved via creativity, I try to encourage creativity, provide inspiration, and attempt to better understand the human condition through art. In this way, I consider myself a mobilizer for young, driven, and passionate artists. I am enthusiastic to live a vital and healthy life as a social being, connecting people, connecting thoughts, and connecting ideas. Unless you live as a hermit by yourself up in the mountains, our lives continue to be intertwined in some sort of society, which is not bad. Though it's obvious, there are too many unhealthy values and way too much psychic pollution - it's time to clarify our circumstances, reveal the power structures, and get with truth. The nature of technology is good and it should help us to develop things, though there are major challenges in today's society in regards to the uses of technology which I observe to be out of balance. We should use technology to serve us - not loose ourselves in it. Yet, people seem alright maintaining an unhealthy relationship with new media(s) - such as Apple inviting us into a fascinating iSolation. How do you gage success throughout your endeavors, what are those things that you have found most challenging, either at a personal level or professionally speaking? Well, success is when I sell a piece. Success is also when I've reached my aims and goals. For me, the term 'success' is challenging and problematic, it's too ego bounded for me. A friend of mine used to say, "Nothing fails more than success". I've thought about this for many years - What does it actually mean? What does this mean when talking about such things as gentrification and the place of cities (I am so glad that Berlin has this badass anti establishment mentality and is more sceptical or seems more relaxed towards 'success' and money). Meanwhile I would like to counter quote it with "When your life is driven by your ego, you will become unhappy in two ways. One way, is to not get what you want. The other way is actually getting what you want". Eckhart Tolle addresses it very well, the problem of a conventional idea of 'success' as those things 'you' think you want. So, the way I understand success is through being authentic and responsible, at peace with myself, staying true to myself, to prosper,to share happiness, in tune with nature, amplifying consciousness through art and transformative actions - everyday. I am ambitious and a perfectionist, I am much more focused on the importance of the work than the bubblebath festivities and definitely feeling good celebrating when things have worked out well. When you dream – what is the experience, where do your thoughts, your heart, gravitate? What are those thoughts, values, philosophies that have nourished you? Are there those that you continue to nourish? Mhhh. When I dream? I envision paradise, when I dream. A state of absolute harmony. Over the past 5 years I have been consulting an energy healer who has taught me about connecting to alternative energy sources and transforming your state of mind. I have met with her once or twice a year, studying and taking seminars within that timeframe, one which was about eliminating negative emotions out of your cells with tibetian massage ritual, and another seminar was about working with light forcs to balance your own energy system and connect to your true self. During the massage seminar you had to give and also to receive the treatment a couple of times - focused on healing all your wounds, letting go of baggage, elevating the frequency of your existence - its all very powerful! On the last day, following my last treatment, I was laying on a lounge chair feeling so light and happy, it was beautiful, like walking on little clouds, liberated from worries and baggage...a very ecstatic state of being...I was pure love! It was then that I understood where we all come from, how the first trauma we actual experience is birth - born into this inharmonic world, seperated! Basically I dream of a beautiful place with loving and compassionate people who really see each other. Where everything is in tune with the universal life force and in harmony - 'the city of love, where we all would like to drown'.
What is your current perspective on global affairs, the concept of a global community, our future sense of ourselves, if any?
Oh boy, global affairs. I mean it's not a secret that we are going through major changes on this planet. Necessary changes. I recently read that the cosmos are in order! Seeing it like that, i would say that this planet is in a serious correctional phase. Like a mega cosmic cleaning day! People need to let go of their crap and darkness they are experiencing - to let go.
A lot of stuff is just much too off...out of balance. We live in a very abstract world, where everthing continually gets decontexualized by industries that just want to breed consumers, politicians or other destructive beings that just want power, and those who just want more money for the sake of money. A very materialistic understanding of ourselves and the world. When I look outside of my window, into the world, it appears quite a primitive life! Driving stinky cars, raping this planet to build a ski resort in the desert, chopping up billions of animals every week for hamburgers and sausages. All of this does not appear very smart to me and certainly not sophisticated. Is that it? All we have to offer? I dont think so. I think as a communit, we can do much better, and as a community, we need to make changes. It's more important now than ever to keep good faith, have a clear vision of what and how the future will be. Thoughts create the future! If you think complicated, things will be complicated! I mean, We are the ones creating this world we live in. Life is channeled through all the laws We set up, we can also change that! Its just a matter of wanting it to be different. I think that there is a big problem not knowing what we really want. We just know that things are not working out and we need inspiration. People are not aware of or just seem to be lazy, just don't know better or are getting used to the world as is. For me, the phrase 'as is' is meaningless :-)
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