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What is that you spend your time doing? Mostly not thinking about time. I aim to enjoy what ever chooses to occupy my space at any given moment. Life is a rhythm that I have learned to dance to in any and all instances; on and off beat. In summation, I spend my time grooving. Do you feel as though you have tapped into a purpose, a passion, a vocation? I would say that I have found my note. I am in tune with my unique vibration. Life is a rhythm and we all have a tuned vibration, if not vibrations. Often times learning what that individual vibration may be is neglected for many reasons. I know what I know and the more I learn the more I reaiize that I do not know. I have a passion to consume experiences, discard non-sense - therefore I am able to digest and distribute knowledge. Is this your life’s work, mission, and/or both? Life’s beginning and end are unknown to me. To say that this vibration or current understanding is my life’s work or mission would be presumptious. It would set a glass ceiling to my ever expanding reality. It would be jumping into a box that I am not yet ready to create today - if ever. What I am doing now is exactly what I should be doing. This is my day’s work and mission. Tomorrow I may be ____________ (fill in the blank). Would you describe yourself as a singer, rapper, poet, musician, and if none of those categories matter – then how do you describe yourself?
I am a sentient being with a soul and a sound.
Your current projects seem to speak directly to the heart while at the same time very directly addressing social, political, and economic matters, issues with the system that seem to deeply disturb natural expressions of being human, how might you describe your current projects? My current projects are vast in relation to what subjects are addressed. From a socio-political and economical perspective, I would say that I have honed in on an on-going and long-lasting issue that I would welcome the end of. The Ignorance of Money. My current projects I would describe as a presentation of my awareness with the subtitle of “work in progress.” |
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In your work you make clear there is an opportunity to build a ‘better better world’ - what are some of the challenges that you see taking place in the world, and how do you imagine the role of creativity, imagination, and possibilities? As an artist with such awareness, is resilience a factor to digest and address all that you see and experience?
As it relates to a “better world”… Better is subjective. I welcome the opportunity to see a different world have a chance at becoming. If you only do something one way, how can you know that another way would not work and why would you continue to teach/share that another way won’t work if you have never tried it. Creativity and imagination are two things that dissipate through time based on how different they are from ‘the norm.’ Creativity when misunderstood is ridiculed, discarded or discounted. An imagination when shared is called childish, irrational or unbelievable. The world as we know it…the most moving inventions… were created by dreamers; Creative imaginations that made the world share a dream. They were resilient. Resilience is an influential factor to the resistance to change. In your music, your poetry, and your shared media memories, emphasize a concept of ‘being’ and also that of ‘being free’ – can you please expand on this point, is it a point, or is it an experience? Freedom starts in your mind. Your mind is your point of being. From there you live out. So no matter how free, strong or self-aware you may be… if you do not cut the chains that may limit your thoughts of creativity, imagination or individuality you are a slave to yourself. More times than not, in my shared offerings, I am referencing being enslaved by ignorance. I was speaking with someone today who shared how they don’t swim in the ocean because its “too unexplored.” My response was and how does it become explored if not by proceeding with caution…instead of fear? Everyone is not a leader… if that were the case then not much would be accomplished because there would be to many directions, instructions and finger-pointing though not enough execution. Everyone is not a follower… if that were the case then not much would be accomplished because there would be too many waiting for directions, revisions and suggestions on what to do next. In context, Being, is taking each moment individual of another and consuming it fully. This moment will never happen again. Good or bad; painful or pleasureful… you will never get it back. Consume, learn and proceed. |
What is the role of community in propelling your work forward, ahead, and into the world, the role of technology, of exchange, of passion, ultimately the role of being a social being? When we LIKE we share. Some people like to criticize. I have a lot for that crowd. Some people like to dance, I have a lot of options for that. Some people like to sing along, I have a lot to offer there. I am creating a body of work that is vast enough to reach a range interest worth sharing. I am not afraid of critique or ridicule; nor of praise and promotion. You must share it with someone to do any of those therefore its advantageous to the spreading of my shared awareness. How do you gage success throughout your endeavors, for instance, you have a track ‘Try Mo Harder’ revealing that even those enlightened and those aware get knocked around a bit - What are those things that you have found most challenging, either on personally level or professionally – so to speak? Challenging…. Hmm…. My personal and professional existence are one in the same. I am but a vessel carrying an idea. Whether you drink it or spit it out… it will be available to all to do with it as they choose. For some reason, nothing comes to mind as challenging. Everything has it’s time and place. Since I’ve fully understood that… my challenges have turned into more meaningful moments. Failure is not a challenge. Not getting up is… and for me that is not an option. |
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What is your current mission... what is the vision behind your work – do you have one?
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When you dream – what is the experience, where do your thoughts, your heart, gravitate? What are those thoughts, values, philosophies that have nourished you? And those that you continue to nourish?
I have lost the line that separates my dreams from reality. It seems that the scenes that I’m seeing in my dreams, don’t make it the screens of these sane human being. So if I am being insane, it’s okay, because all that I’m saying is the way of our being can be better, I believe it. So if the scenes that I see in my dreams come to be… then the being that deemed all my dreams insane can then see the same. What more can you say but dreams led the way. I am a serial dreamer by title…though I say I’m a serial-believer-in-conquering-impossibles. In terms of your projects and process, what is it that you are most excited about at the moment? Everything. Nothing is currently in front of another. This childrens book.. loving it. This album “Inbetween The Lines” loving it… the project with Bob Brozman…. Pumped to get started. The acoustic album with Blue, “The Adventures of Blue and Christiano”… loving it! The continuous prospect of growth and development… enjoying each moment. What is your current perspective on global affairs, the concept of a global community - Our future sense of ourselves, if any? Global affairs? We share this piece of land. While it was separated for so long, those lines creative in greed and protected with blood are being erased by a shared consciousness. |
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